Monday, October 27, 2008

TrueCall: Stay Safe!

Source: (YAHOO! tech)

Former telemarketers Steve Smith and John Price have created TrueCall. TrueCall is a device that can block callers who try to steal your financial information, perhaps those who commit fraud. When you receive a call TrueCall decides whether it is a good call or a bad call. If it decides that a caller is a bad call they put it on hold and the machine asks them for their name and the call is then forwarded to the user's phone. Once the call is forwarded to the user's phone they are given the option to either take or reject the call. You can add numbers of those who you know to your "Star" list and TrueCall will not scan this call. Instead it rings normally just as it would with your phone without TrueCall would. Numbers on your "zap" list will not go through at all. TrueCall simply blocks these calls. As for now, TrueCall is only available in the United Kingdom. But soon enough TrueCall will be available in the United States!
I feel that TrueCall is a great way to save those who are unaware of fraud from giving out their personal and financial information. However, I am unsure of whether or not it would block a good number accidentally and have you miss an important call. Nevertheless, this is what the "Star" list is what this is for.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Current Event: Solar Power to the Rescue!

Going camping? Need a working fridge on the trip? Well, with Sola Unagi, you can! The Sola Unagi is a 22 pound suitcase that holds two 13 watt solar panels. Though the specifications do not note how long the Sola Unagi takes to completely charge, once charged, it can work wonders. The Sola Unagi can power a 21 inch color television for five hours, a laptop for six, a dorm fridge for five, and charge up to twenty cell phones at once. However, one Sola Unagi costs $1,115. I feel that this is a huge step in the cause to be green. I also think that the Sola Unagi is a great thing for portable use, though the weight is an issue. Nevertheless it is far too expensive despite the discount you receive when you purchase this item in larger numbers. Overall, trying to use solar power is becoming more and more popular and I appreciate this step in becoming more advanced in using it. Solar technology is taking the world by surprise one step at a time.
