Monday, February 2, 2009


The Physics Of Football
Yesterday February 1, 2009 SUPERBOWL 43 took place. This great American past-time is full of Newton's Laws of Motion. For example throwing the ball is an example of Sir Isaac Newton's first law. This law states that an object in motion will remain at constant velocity unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. This law also states that an object at rest stays at rest unless acted upon by an outside force. When the football is thrown it eventually stops because the friction of the air stops it.The friction of the air is called resistance. When the football rests it will stay where it is. Throwing a football is also an example of Newton's second law. This law shows the relationship between force, acceleration, and mass. The amount of force the football player will put into throwing the ball will equal is mass multiplied by its acceleration. Or, the acceleration of the football is equal to its mass divided by the force. Newton's third law is demonstrated when football player's tackle. As one is running down the field the opposing team will attempt to tackle. This action of them tackling causes an opposite action of the other player falling down. Football is full of physics!

And I am very happy to say the Steelers won!

Special thanks to D.R.

1 comment:

raynebow said...

yayyyy =]

hey salchow 50000! nice blog ;P